Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Introducing revolutionary business ideas.

In California, when a couple gets divorced, their property is divided equally. If they own a business, oftentimes the business must be sold. Asians are buying them, taking the business overseas, and leaving the couple cash-rich and business idea poor.

We would like to plug the drain, and will introduce legislation to do so.

We would also like to introduce our fifty revolutionary projects and their spin-off technologies to enable these business-people to invest their monies.

What would such an investor be interested in? If his or her family has been torn apart by divorce, would a way to bring the family back together be the main focus?

One of our projects is a Unity Play, which will eventually be made into a movie. The play is a rags to riches story, taking two girls who don't want to be separated by a necessary move out of town caused by financial crisis. It teaches people how to create the life they want. The play consists of 22 half hour episodes, based on the Planning Process, and certain scenes will be cut and made into the movie. We plan to translate the play into many languages and lease the rights to producers in other countries to enable people around the world to create their life.

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